Seeking Help of DUI Attorneys in Utah can Help You Deal with a DUI Charge Better By Robert L. Froerer on January 12, 2015

Are you charged with a drunk driving case in Utah? If so, then it is good for you to know that you hold the right to an attorney and professional assistance for fighting your case in the court of law. However,what really needs to be considered in this line is whether seeking assistance of a specialized DUI attorney in Utah will help you fight the odds better or it would just end up being another expense in the pocket. It is to be kept in mind that if this seems to be your first stint with law or first drunk driving charge, the court proceedings can get quite expensive. What you need to find out is that whether you can afford the court expense by hiring a specialized and experienced DUI lawyer.

Determining the Worth of an Attorney – Do You Need One?

Usually, it is safe to go ahead with your case with the help of an attorney. It is better if you stay away from adopting a DIY approach while pleading guilty or defending your case. Simply because, lack of knowledge and experience with court cases might help your opposition get the better of you. Moreover, it is also important that you hire specialized attorneys in Utah to deal with your drunk driving case.

After all, driving under influence is considered a serious offense that could severely affect your future bringing upon negative consequences with regard to your employment. A specialized lawyer helps you understand the negativity and severity of the case and guide you on the right track. Timely assistance of a lawyer and his special skills helps you reduce or dismiss the drunk driving charge and even save the license for you. The key lies on choosing the right DUI attorney in Utah for your case.

The Laws of Drunk Driving have Changed Over the Years

You might not be aware of this, but the laws related to drunk driving have changed significantly. Previously, it was easy for you to plead guilty or a lesser charge like reckless driving. However, with the 50 states passing the drunk driving per se laws, it has now become essential for intoxicated drivers to be adjudged. According to the new law, if the alcohol content measured in your blood is 0.08 or above through the blood or breath test, you stand liable for being convicted with driving under influence charge. In this case, the fact that your speech was not slurred and you were not staggering hardly matters, all that is taken into account is your BAC level.

Suspension of License

With the law of administrative license suspension being passed, the law enforcements of your state can suspend your driving license on the spot if your BAC level is recorded above the limit or you fail a sobriety test. In most states, refusing to take a breath test also leads to suspension of license immediately. The new law in fact allows the administrative professionals to suspend your license without the interference of criminal court proceedings. The logic is pretty simple, if the state can give you license it should also hold the charge of suspending it, if found guilty.

The Other Consequences of a DUI Charge

Apart from suspension of license a DUI charge brings upon several other negative consequences and only specialized attorneys in Utah can reduce the charges. If you seem to be unaware of the other consequences that you might face; here is a look -

  • Be jailed for the violation
  • Be fined a substantial amount
  • End up with a criminal charge
  • Car insurance rates might increase
  • A DUI attorney in Utah can help you plead innocence or plead less guilty. Additionally, a skilled attorney also helps you to prepare for the case and guide you through the proceeding.

    The Final Word

    If you are being charged with a DUI case and you can afford an attorney, then never hesitate from seeking expert legal counsel. In fact, you should look for hiring the best lawyer in your region by every means as an attorney can help you take your steps right.

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