Bankruptcy Attorney American Fork Guides You through the Process Best By Robert L. Froerer on January 06, 2015

Being bankrupt is one situation that everyone wants to avoid, but at times, it gets hard to let go of the obvious. To ensure taking the right call, you should always get in touch with an expert bankruptcy attorney. Consulting with a professional always helps determining the situation better and choosing the bankruptcy plan that seems ideal for you. If you are a resident of American Fork, then make sure to hire the services of a specialized bankruptcy attorney in American Fork. This would help you to be sure about filing the case and proceeding with the same in compliance to the state laws and guidelines.

Going Ahead with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – The Road to Take

If you are considering chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney, then never make the mistake of proceeding with the case without the help of an attorney. Wondering what makes professional assistance crucial? Filing chapter 13 can get tricky and even a small mistake can cost you big in the process. From keeping your repayment plan far from being approved to preventing the protection of automatic stay, the consequences can get severe. This is the primary reason why you should always hire the services of a skilled and experienced Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney.

Whether be it just determining the worth of Chapter 13 for you or guiding you through the process of filing same and ensuring that the deadlines and filing requirements are met, a skilled lawyer caters to it all. Additionally, the bankruptcy attorney also makes sure that you have skillfully accounted for all expenses and have proposed a repayment plan that will help you clear the debts in time alongside maintaining your scheduled expenses daily. It is good to know that Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you deal with debt better and find relief through court intervention. This one is mostly used by people who are struggling with home foreclosure. You can protect and keep your assets to yourself even while dealing with the creditors.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – The Aspects Involved

When it comes to filing Chapter 13 with the help of a specialized bankruptcy attorney in American Fork, you need to be aware of taking care of several aspects tied to the process. Here is a look -

  • Pre-Filing Requirements – According to US laws, all petitioners of Chapter 13 bankruptcy need to sit for a credit counseling session. Also, it is important that your attorney ties the certificate of credit counseling with the petition. You should remember that any petition without the certification will be dismissed.
  • Asset Liquidation under Chapter 13 – It should be kept in mind that Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition does not involve liquidation of assets. Rather, the petition is directed towards helping people struggling with debts. This particular petition helps the debt stricken people to protect their asset while balancing past due payments. Usually, the repayment plan tends to be between 36 and 60 months.
  • Pre-Discharge Requirements – Prior to approving a discharge, all petitioners must complete a course of financial management trustee approved by the U.S. Trustee. This should be done while keeping up with the payments.
  • To know more about the bankruptcy process or consult with an attorney, get in touch with us at 801-389-1533.

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