Froerer & Miles

I Was in an Uber Accident: What Are My Legal Options?

Oct 21, 2023 @ 07:13 PM — by Robert L. Froerer
Tagged with: Rideshare Car Accident

No matter how minor a car crash may seem, it has the potential to cause costly physical, emotional, and financial damages. In the aftermath of a collision, investigators work to determine fault for the crash so liable parties can be held accountable for resulting losses. 

Unfortunately, injury victims are often unsure of their rights regarding compensation for damages. A crash involving an Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare driver can be especially complex. Car accident attorneys at Froerer & Miles, who serve individuals in Ogden, UT, Layton, UT, and surrounding areas, work with rideshare car accident victims to advise them of their legal options and assist them in pursuing compensation for the full extent of collision damages.

Causes of Rideshare Car Accidents

Like any other type of crash, the causes of rideshare car accidents vary. However, many are related to driver error. Rideshare drivers are often under pressure to fit as many rides as possible into their shift; the more rides they provide, the more money they make, and clients are likely to rate rideshare drivers with a higher ranking if they get them to their destination quickly. Job pressures make rideshare drivers more prone to accident-causing mistakes, including:

What to Do After a Rideshare Car Accident

Claims involving rideshare drivers can be complicated. Individuals involved in a rideshare car accident should gather as much information as possible after a crash to make it easier for investigators to determine collision liability. If it is safe to do so, accident victims should take the following steps after a rideshare crash:

Determining Liability for Rideshare Crashes

If a rideshare driver makes choices or actions that cause a car accident, they can be found liable for the crash. However, many drivers are uncertain if a rideshare driver is personally responsible for accident damages or if the company they work for (Uber, Lyft, etc.) can be sued. 

Rideshare drivers are independent contractors rather than employees, so in most cases, the rideshare company has limited liability, and the driver is personally responsible for accident damages. Still, there are instances where the rideshare company is partially responsible. We always recommend working with a knowledgeable rideshare car accident attorney, such as those at our Ogden law firm so they can consider all potential avenues of compensation.

Damages in a Rideshare Collision

Car accidents frequently cause a wide range of economic and non-economic damages. Depending on the losses suffered, rideshare crash victims may be due compensation for:

Contact Froerer & Miles

If you have been injured in a rideshare car accident, you may have questions about liability and who to sue for crash damages. To discuss the details of your case with the car accident attorneys at Froerer & Miles, contact our law firm and schedule a consultation.