Froerer & Miles

Motorcycle Accidents Resulting in Brain Injury

Jun 3, 2021 @ 11:11 PM — by Robert L. Froerer
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents And Brain Injury

Motorcycle accidents often result in devastating damages. Because motorcycles lack a protective body, and many other safety features that are standard on other passenger vehicles, injuries are a huge concern when accidents occur. Motorcycle accidents resulting in brain injuries are especially common.

Brain injuries can impact a person’s cognitive, emotional, and physical functions, and the effects can be long-term or even lifelong. Motorcyclists in Ogden, UT, Layton, UT, and surrounding areas who have suffered the damages of a brain injury after a motorcycle accident can work with the motorcycle accident lawyers at Froerer & Miles to pursue financial compensation for economic and non-economic losses stemming from the accident.

The Risk of Brain Injury in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle riders are aware of the dangers they face by riding a motorcycle, but most believe that the rewards balance out the potential risks. And with safety equipment like helmets readily available, many motorcyclists feel a little safer when they ride their bike. It is true that helmets have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of death and the severity of injuries in a motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, they cannot completely prevent it.

In a typical motorcycle accident, the rider is thrown from the motorcycle. Whether a rider lands on the road or collides with another vehicle or object, their head is likely to receive a blow. A motorcycle helmet lessens the impact of the blow, but the brain can still be damaged. A blow to the head can either directly damage brain tissues, or it can lead to bleeding and swelling that results in nerve and tissue damage. In either case, the effects can be devastating.

The Physical and Emotional Effects of a Brain Injury

The brain and spinal cord serve as the central nervous system of the body. The brain plays a role in a person’s physical, emotional, and cognitive functions. The physical and emotional effects of a brain injury can be widespread. The specific symptoms experienced by our Ogden clients varies based on the area of the brain that was damaged and the severity of injuries. Potential effects of a brain injury include:

The Financial Costs of a Brain Injury

The physical and emotional effects of a brain injury can significantly impact a person’s day-to-day functions and can take a huge toll on their quality of life. In addition to those types of damages, we must also consider the financial costs of a brain injury. Brain injuries often require ongoing medical care, and they can affect a person’s ability to perform certain job duties or hold on to a regular job. Again, the specific financial costs of a brain injury vary for each victim, but they may include:

Compensation for Damages

If a motorcycle accident was caused by another person or party, they should be held liable for resulting accident damages, including those that are economic in nature and those that are not. The motorcycle accident lawyers at Froerer & Miles gather the evidence that is necessary to prove accident liability and demonstrate accident losses so that their clients can be compensated to the full extent of the law.

Contact Froerer & Miles

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury as the result of a motorcycle accident, the lawyers at Froerer & Miles would be happy to help you explore your right to financial compensation. To discuss your legal options in further detail, send us a message online, or call our law firm at (801) 621-2690.