Froerer & Miles

Common Causes of Brain Injury

May 14, 2017 @ 10:17 AM — by Robert L. Froerer
Tagged with: Brain Injury Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Although most people take precautions to protect themselves from serious injury, not all accidents can be avoided. A shocking number of people suffer serious injuries each year, and surprisingly, many of those people suffer from brain injuries. It is difficult to accurately calculate the exact number of brain injuries that occur, but the CDC estimates that more than 1.5 million Americans suffer from traumatic brain injuries annually. These injuries can affect cognitive, physical, and behavioral functions.

Victims of brain injuries should consider filing a personal injury lawsuit to fight for compensation for damages suffered. The experienced team of personal injury attorneys at Froerer & Miles discuss the most common causes of brain injury and advise our Ogden, UT patients on their best course of legal action following such an injury. It is important to us that our clients are fully compensated for the damages of a traumatic brain injury.

Brain Injury Causes

There is a range of situations that can result in a brain injury. According to collected data, the most common causes of traumatic brain injury in the United States include the following:

Seeking Compensation

While the causes of brain injuries vary, they may result from the reckless or negligent actions of another person or party. Anyone who has suffered a brain injury at the fault of another should consider a personal injury lawsuit. Our attorneys have a great deal of experience representing victims of brain injuries. We will fight to ensure that our clients are fully compensated for their losses, including the cost of long-term medical care, any necessary medical devices, and compensation for physical and emotional pain and suffering.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has suffered from a brain injury, the losses can be devastating. Contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss the details of your case and find out how our experienced attorneys can help you collect the compensation you deserve.