Froerer & Miles

The Most Common Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents

May 13, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by Robert L. Froerer
Tagged with: Truck Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Commercial trucks are some of the largest vehicles on the road. Their size and weight also make them some of the most difficult vehicles to manage. To ensure the safety of truck drivers and other drivers and passengers on the road, there are several guidelines and regulations set into place by state and federal government. Despite these regulations, commercial truck accidents are a common occurrence. While all motor vehicle accidents can cause physical, emotional, and financial damages, the consequences of a commercial truck accident are often particularly devastating. The personal injury attorneys at Froerer & Miles have represented many victims of commercial truck accidents. Here, we discuss the common causes of commercial truck accidents. For a case evaluation, contact our Ogden, UT attorneys.

Factors that Contribute to Commercial Truck Accidents

The causes of commercial truck accidents vary greatly. In some cases, these accidents are caused by minor mistakes or short lapses in judgement. In other cases, commercial truck accidents are the result of blatant neglect or reckless behavior. The fault of these accidents may be with the truck driver, the drivers of other vehicles on the road, or with the company that operates the vehicle. Below are some of the most common causes of commercial truck accidents:

There are many possibilities to explore when a commercial truck accident has occurred. That is why it is best to work with attorneys experienced in commercial truck accidents, such as those at Froerer & Miles. Our attorneys will explore every aspect of a truck accident to determine the cause of the accident and where the liability for the accident lies.

Fighting for Fair Compensation

Trucking companies often have a team of experienced lawyers ready to defend their case. Even in cases in which the driver of a commercial truck, or the trucking company itself, accepts fault, they are likely to offer a quick settlement. These settlements rarely reward accident victims to the full extent that they are due. Our attorneys fight for our clients to ensure that they receive maximum financial compensation for all damages suffered. Each case is unique, but we will consider compensation for present and future medical expenses, lost wages and the loss of potential wages, as well as pain and suffering. We have a history of winning and have collected millions of dollars in damages for our clients.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have been injured in an accident, you deserve to have an experienced attorney on your side. The personal injury attorneys at Froerer & Miles are happy to discuss the details of your case and advise you of your best course of legal action. To learn more about our legal services, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys at your earliest convenience.